Risk, Fear or Faith

Risk, Fear or Faith…….

I just read a post on risk taking. That started me thinking on different types of risks people may take. We have risks that could lead you into trouble, large trouble or just a little bit of trouble.

You may have risks that expose a great deal of your body. I guess that may be placed in a moral risk category.  And then to some people, that may not be a risk at all.

You may have risks that expose your inner most thoughts. From tweeting to post writing to writing a book to everything in between, plus.

Risk, Fear or Faith……

A risk is not necessarily a risk to everyone. What someone may take as a risk, that same thing may for someone else a no brainier.

You may have what some call a risk to believe for healing or for prosperity or to spread the Gospel, the “Good News”.

So what is a risk? Are there “Good” and “Bad” risks? And then is that risk only measured by its success?

Risk As a noun, defined;


Exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance: It’s not worth the risk.

The hazard or chance of loss.

When you think risk does it fit the definition? Or is it just that age old thing called “fear”

Fear has stopped many a people from stepping out in Faith.

Fear of loss, failure, embarrassment?  Is fear stopping you?

I just read this quote by Frank Scully;

“Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?”

Well ponder this;

Is it a risk? Or is it fear? Are you thinking that you will get into trouble, or is it fear driven?

When you step out on the Promises of God in Faith, where the fruit is, there is nothing to fear or risk, it is all in the Masters Hands.

When you have “your promise” from God’s word, it is just that, His word, He will see to it.

You have nothing to lose. If God said it, He will see to it. The Lord who sees to it. Our Jehovah Jireh!

Risk, Fear or Faith……..


Indi Fratarcangelo  CPC

Covenant Blessed Ministries, 

web:    GodNamedJesus.com

e mail: godnamedjesus.com@gmail.com



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